Monday, March 31, 2014

Storming the Castle Podcast: "The Greater Good" Recap

Wherein we discuss Castle "The Greater Good" - Episode 6x19

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone* :-)
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

Reach The Show at @StormCastlePC,,

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes! 

Check out this episode!

Storming the Castle - Jesse Seuss!

Paying Homage to Kate in "The Greater Good", Jesse recites a poem he wrote. Pulled from this week's StC - it should whet your appetite as I do the editing. :-)


Check out this episode!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Storming the Castle Podcast: "The Way of the Ninja" Recap

Wherein we discuss Castle "The Way of the Ninja" - Episode 6x18

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria 
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone* :-)
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

Reach The Show at @StormCastlePC,,

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes! 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Storming the Castle Podcast: "Belly of the Beast" Recap

Wherein we discuss Castle "Belly of the Beast" - Episode 6x17

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria 
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone* :-)
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

Reach The Show at @StormCastlePC,,

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes! 

Check out this episode!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Storming the Castle Podcast: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" & "Room 147" Recap

Wherein we discuss Castle "Smells Like Teen Spirit" & "Room 147" - Episodes 6x15 & 6x16

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone* :-)
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

Reach The Show at @StormCastlePC,,

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes! 

Check out this episode!